Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Tree Maham!!
I really wish I had real pictures to go long with this, but try and imagine if you can...
This whole last week we have been trying to decorate the house, get the tree up, make cookies, and get into the Christmas spirit. Last night, it all came tumbling down on us... I haven't been feeling all that great this last week, maybe it's a bug or maybe I'm still experiencing detox from planning the company Christmas party, but I was not in the mood to decorate our Christmas tree. I don't know about all of you, but we have "jobs" in our house about who does what when it comes to certain things and my job is always to put the lights on the tree. My dad was a master at it and all us kids took on that tradition, in my family, the lights were far more important than any ornament. I mean the whole essence of the tree was its lights and some years, it seemed the ornaments almost ruined the tree... sorry loosing focus.
So each day, I would put some lights on the tree, get bored, then stop, and Rob would just wait until the next day hoping I would eventually finish. Last night, I was so fed up with our little tree, which is fake, but that's a whole different subject, that I get almost to the top and guess what? ... I ran out of lights. I tried to spread it out as best I could, but it looked like the saddest excuse for a Christmas Tree I had ever seen. The lights were so concentrated at the bottom and so spread out at the top that even Rob didn't like it and he was the one that was pushing me to finish...
We both were so mad, him at the shotty light job I had done, me at the fact that it looked terrible I felt I had disgraced the family name, and it was all my fault. Rob decided to take off the lights and start over, but I had tangled them so badly that branches were flying off of the tree in his attempt to quickly unravel this disgrace I had created, even the dogs ran for cover under our bed... in the next room. The last thing I wanted to do was start over so Rob attempted the lights, got to maybe two branches and quit. In all my rage I took over, put the lights on the tree in record time, not caring about what it looked like, we plugged it in, took a step back and... it was gorgeous!! Don't ask why I just didn't do this in the first place, but it looks so good, I swear angels were singing in the background. We started to feel stupid at how childish we had been and sat to admire our little tree, that we almost through out in our moment of chaotic frustration...
Needless to say, our sad, little fake tree is up, with lights... next come the ornaments.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We have been really busy lately!! I am almost to the end of planning our Christmas Party at work, and have been putting together all the charitable activities for it. We have set up our own Angel Wreaths at work with tags of children who have a parent serving overseas in the UT National Guard and will not have a lot for Christmas. We volunteered to take over 13 families, about 40 kids and it has been amazing how much everyone has been willing to pitch in. I had to start doubling tags up with two people in order to accommodate everyone who wants to help out. We are also doing 80 food baskets and 100 soldier stockings as well and it has been so much work trying to get it all together in time, but so much fun as well!!
Career Step, where I work, also broke record numbers in September and to reward the employees the owner sent everyone to Disneyland!!! It was so much fun!! I had only been once and it was so fun to come back! It was for only one day, but I was able to go see Christian and Naomi while I was there (bug them for not posting our pictures yet!!!)... Oh, and Rob couldn't come because it was for employees only :(
So this has been the month of large expensive things to break... if you remember earlier back, the pictures of me boiling water and pouring it into the washing machine because our hot water heater broke down... it went out again and we had to replace it. That's $700 we'll never get back. We also had both cars break down and their registration expired, our vacuum broke, and the handle on our shower broke too (that one isn't so big or expensive, but really annoying!!) ... Needless to say, it may still be a month or so before we can get our computer fixed and our internet set-up.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Cardinal Sin... and Annie
Yes, it is absolutely ridiculous that after two months, we have yet to get our computer fixed, but it's true and unless you would like to pay for it, you'll just have to wait until we can be active bloggers again!! Until that time comes, don't cast us out of your blogging world just yet :)
So much has happened and I couldn't even imagine trying to go back and reiterate it all for you, but this is something that stuck out in my mind...
Annie, our orphan ...OK her name isn't really Annie, but it should be!
Most of you know that conference was last week and while Rob was on his way to the Priesthood session, he almost hit a stray dog! He stopped to see if she had a collar or license, which she didn't and I was called. She was an Australian Shepard mix, I'll post pictures later, and she was so cute! I brought out some treats and food to where he was, mind you it is raining at this point, and we waited for the cop to come pick her up and we could go on our way living our lives. Well, when he got there, he said she was most likely dropped off here by an owner who just didn't want her anymore and left her to fend for herself... I'm sorry, who does that?! He said that a lot of people do that in the field where we found her and I asked where she would go and he proceeded to tell me the whole process.
1. She would be placed in a kennel, which is a nice way of saying a chain link fence on a cement slab... with no roof (remember it's still raining), and then someone would come the next day to feed her.
2. Then on Monday (two days later) if she didn't have a microchip she would placed in the state shelter. If no one comes to claim her in three days... they euthanize her, which in case you don't know, they KILL her.
Well neither Rob or I could live with that on our conscience, so we took her home, set up a little area in our garage and she proceeded to eat us out of house and home for two days... OK not really, but it seemed like she hadn't eaten in forever and didn't stop!! It was so sad!!
After a few days of that, we couldn't find anyone to take her and she didn't have a microchip, and I am just not one who can live with making a dog stay outside 24/7. At this point, I just couldn't take it anymore and so we made the trip up to Salt Lake City and dropped her off at the Humane Society.
Needless to say, I balled like a baby!! I felt so bad that we couldn't keep her and I totally felt like we were just another person dropping her off somewhere, hoping someone else would eventually want her. I was convinced she would hate me for life!!
So, if anyone wants a dog she is currently at the Salt Lake City Humane Society and is one of the best dogs anyone could ever own!!
GO GET HER!!!... I mean it right now!! :D
Monday, September 15, 2008
We apologize for the delay...
(I'm at work, posting this right now just to let you all know that we have not fallen off the face of the earth)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Small Update...
I GOT A NEW JOB!!! I'm so excited!! I got a job in Springville, so much closer to home!! It's working in Human Resources, which I am so happy about (I love accounting and all, but it tends to get really stressful and redundant sometimes and I'm ready for something new)!! I start next week and could not be more impatient!! I had the worst day today which only confirms my decision to leave... even my boss joked about how he was just making sure I didn't want to stay, by making things horrible!! It wasn't really his fault, but every time he called or came to talk to me something horrible had happened and by the end of the day I'd had it!!
Rob is on another softball team for the fall! They play once a week, a double-headed each time! It's fun to go and watch him, but by the end of the second game, it gets kinda late and we are ready to go home... They took first in the summer league though, which was exciting!! He is now trying to get a football team together for this fall so if anyone wants to play leave him a message!!
Sorry, this post isn't that interesting, but it's pretty much all we've been up to!! I'll start taking pics again and hopefully more will happen...
The 2008 Olympic Games
Dara Torres was amazing! She is 41 and won GOLD!! She also held up the race so that one of the swimmers from the Swedish team could get a suit on because her other one ripped right before the race was about to start! She was the perfect example of sportsmanship!!
For us, they have been really exciting, especially watching Michael Phelps win all 8 gold medals! It's insane!!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Our Latest Obsession
Monday, July 21, 2008
Santaquin Canyon
There was this little river that ran right next to the campsite which was so nice, except it attracted all these bugs! Really though, it wasn't that bad and the sound of the water running was pretty relaxing.
Grazing Dogs
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Memory Lane...
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together (It can be a memory with either Rob, Kjerstin, or both). It doesn't matter if you knew me/us a little or a lot, anything you remember! I only ask that you be nice!! :D
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.This is quite fun.I hope everyone I KNOW will participate!! So start thinking hard! Also, when you leave a comment.. you are tagging re-post on your own blog!
Have fun!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Faith is a gift, using it is a choice
The last few months have been a bit hard for us. We have started taking steps in new directions, dealing both with careers and with schooling, among other things, however we feel we are no further along than we were 6 months ago. We are trying so hard to move forward and progress, but it feels like there is all of this resistance pushing against us. Normally it is us that tends to resist change however, in our situation, it seems that change is resisting us. When I read this comment it occurred to me that maybe we need to stop trying to force change and practice all of this faith we claim to have. That possibly, if we stop focusing so hard and putting so much energy into it, just to allow change, it'll happen. I suppose we also have to remember that things don't always happen when we want them to, but we'll keep trying to work hard and trust that things will come together when it's time.
Does this even make sense?
Saturday, July 5, 2008
July 4th
I grew up in Vancouver, WA where usually we had the largest fireworks show west of the Mississippi River. Fort Vancouver was packed with vendor booths, food, they had a concert, and lots of people. We would always go down to the college just north of the Fort Vancouver, about mid day, and hang out until the fireworks started. We'd play football, Frisbee, someone would bring a BBQ, and we'd meet up with tons of people from the neighborhood and just have fun the WHOLE day!! ...well needless to say, that's not exactly what happened yesterday.
After we decided to go out, we needed a place to go. I'm not sure what exactly possessed me to say this, but I suggested Wingers...really I wanted Asphalt Pie!! ;)
As most of you will know, they give you popcorn as the appetizer. Rob decided he didn't want to eat popcorn because it's usually a food you eat because it's there, so what did he decide to do with it instead...?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Tim's Birthday!!
I told him to look serious so I could take a good picture and this is what he did...
Lehi Rodeo
This is his youngest and only girl, Gabby, and she is soo CUTE!!
With our little digital camera, we couldn't get very many good pictures, but this was the best one and I was excited!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Introducing R-Dizzle...
The Coach for the yewts
His name is Coach Kryle
He's been wiping that tear away for quite a while
His onside kicks when he's up by 43
He wears his pants so tight
That you can see his wee wee
He gives a free pass
To guys like Casteel
But if you ask him he just keepin' it real
Yeah poor Coach Whitt
Coaching his last year
But it's OK 'cause he's a great big ...
They put him through to the finals and he had to do a "rap-off"... this was his second one... (Keith was the guy he was up against in the "rap-off")
Keith is a week yewt
Yeah, he is sad
Living in the basement of his dear old dad
He's a filthy yewt
In his parents downstairs
His favorite sport is figure skakin' pairs
As a yewt
He's a filthy drunk
I'm beatin' down on him that' nasty punk
I beat down those yewts
Yeah I be stormin'
Slappin' round those yewts
Those anti-mormons
And with that... HE WON!!!! People were calling and texting in like crazy and Rob won by a landslide! It's was hilarious and he did such a great job!!
He would now like to be referred to as R-Dizzle... he's always wanted to be called that since his mission in Chicago. I suppose I have no excuse not to since he did win a rap competition!! hahaR-Dizzle or not, I LOVE YOU ROB!!!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The day has finally come...
They are getting married November 1, 2008 in Atlanta, GA... can't wait!!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Pictures from NC
Friday, June 20, 2008
Jacaranda Trees
The light at the end of the tunnel...
This last week in UT, it has been getting pretty hot and we, of course, bought an older home that does not have air has been miserable!! Just ask Rob, I almost become a different person, a very mean and nasty person! So I finally convinced him to help me put the AC unit in our bedroom window, we turned it on and I promise I heard angels sing... it was glorious!!!
It's almost too good to be true, but it truly is the light at the end of a very long and dark tunnel!!
We are still not cooking because the kitchen is far away and gets really hot, but we are working on that this weekend...
For all of you (my family) in the deep south laughing at this, I know I have no idea how bad it is in Georgia and North Carolina and to be honest... I have no intentions of ever finding out!!
When we moved into our new house the previous people had two garden boxes, one with something that obviously died because...well it looked dead, and the other one had strawberries. For a while it was just a bunch of green leaves and we didn't really care so it was left to fend for itself until one day... we had strawberries!!! Ok, I've never grown anything in my life, and yes I understand that I didn't actually do anything to contribute, but they are in MY yard so I'm taking credit...I grew strawberries! :)
This is Ty eating the grass around the garden box... I promise we feed him, he just loves grass.
Ty eating more grass...
Friday, June 13, 2008
Four jobs I have had:
1. Nanny!! (favorite job!)
2. Pre-school teacher
3. Sales Associate at PacSun
4. Accountant at Shelf Reliance (right now)
Four movies I have watched more than once:
1. P.S. I Love You (with a box of tissues)
2. Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly version, it's shorter)
3. High School Musical 2 (that's right, I said it!!)
4. An Affair To Remember
(I promise I watch more than chick flicks, but lately that's what it's been)
Four places I have lived:
1. Vancouver, WA
2. Spanish Fork, UT
3. Orem, UT
4. Payson, UT
Four TV show I watch:
1. Supernanny
2. Jon & Kate Plus 8
3. Food Network (pretty much the whole channel)
4. So You Think You Can Dance (first time watching this year and I love it!)
*My favorite four aren't in season...The Hills, The Office, Lost, & Grey's Anatomy*
Four places I have been:
1. San Diego, CA (willing to move at any time)
2. Atlanta, GA
3. Canada
4. Las Vega, NV
Four people who e-mail me regularly:
1. Fogg Family
2. Pottery Barn
3. Real Simple
4. Work...
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Ice Cream...I grew up a Sampson, it's an essential food group!
2. Thin Mints
3. Tomato Soup & Cheese-wiches (grilled cheese)
4. My Favorite Dessert (I don't know the real name, but my whole life it's just been "my favorite dessert." It is layers of mint ice cream, crushed oreo's, cool whip, & caramel)
Four places I would like to visit:
1. Italy
2. Paris
3. London
4. New York City (to see a Broadway play)
Four things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Buying new furniture...??
2. Remodeling Kitchen...??
3. Traveling ...(even if it's just to St. George or Vegas)
4. ...starting a family :)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It is what it looks like...
We now have no AC in either car or house, Rob's car is still sitting in our driveway because we can't get it fixed, Rob goes back to school this summer and now we have to boil water on the stove to do laundry and dishes. We are definitely experiencing the typical poor first couple of years being married. At this point, it's just funny now...
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Our little boy is hurt : (
This is Ty when we was just a puppy. We call it his calendar picture, so cute!!!
Saturday Morning
They had to wait as one by one they filled up the wheelbarrows, haul it to the where the cement was wanted, and dump it to be spread out.
Here is Rob, waiting so patiently... can you tell he is having the time of his life in the rain??
All in all it was a pretty eventful morning. They were able to get the cement poured and the foundations smooth so I would call it a success. It's not every day you get to wake up and spread cement first thing in the morning while it rains... For the record, it stopped raining about half way through and as soon as they were done and cleaning up... the sun came out.