Thursday, December 23, 2010

Reagan's First Birthday... oh my!

Since Reagan's birthday is only two days before Christmas we've decided to do a half birthday celebration in the summer and only do a small family get together on her birthday.  However, this was the first birthday so we did do more than we said we would, but hey, it only happens once right? 

For all the family who couldn't make it, picture overload.

The sign is courtesy of her Aunt Allison:

Preparing for the big event, Aunt Stephanie icing cupcakes for us. Thank you!

 She wasn't too sure what to think about this glow worm from Grandma Horn

Do you think she likes hair clips?

Yes, she has learned to pose for the camera

I don't know if there is anything Reagan loves more than reading books.  We have a little book corner in our living room and we often find her over there alone just "reading" books to herself.

Apparently she was very excited for the doodle board!  She caught on quickly on how this whole present thing works.

Grandma Marla and Grandpa Craig watching little open her birthday presents.

Grandma Marla showing Reagan how her new music board works, she loved it!

Rolling around on the ground with Grandpa Horn!

From Aunt Allison...

Baby Converse!!! So freakin' cute!

The beautiful birthday cake from Dippidee Cakes in American Fork, gotta love having a baking hook up in the family! (yes it started to sink because someone didn't put it in the fridge... whoops! Hey I cook, I'm not known for my baking.)

Everyone thought I was strange, but I loved the extra long candles!

She really is my daughter, would barely touch the cake.  Tried the icing and made a sour face... what can I say, she's a healthy one!

Finally we had to spoon feed her a bite to get her to try the cake...

...still wasn't too big of a fan.

So she decided to just play.

And feed it to Grandpa Horn!

When all was said and done

I still can't believe our little one is already a year old!  I've always heard about how fast it goes, but I really didn't think it would go this fast.  She took her sweet little time getting here and now I wish it would just slow down.  We are so grateful for our little Reagan, she truly is a blessing in our home and we could not imagine life without her.  She is such a joy in our lives and I am constantly amazed that I get to be her mother.  Happy Birthday Little!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Quick Update w/ Short Narrative

Like most people, we plan to print this out one day and use it as a family journal and since I've been so terrible at keeping up with it, I thought I'd give a snap update so we didn't completely loose the last 7 months of our lives.   

11 months: We just had to capture this bed head!

Love it!

10 months: That would be our recycling... yep.

Our little chunk of joy... :)

9 months: I just realized this almost looks like she is locked up, so cute! haha

9 months: Time with Dad watching Mickey Mouse... or Winnie the Pooh, I can't remember.

9 months: Reagan getting into our DVDs... this is her "busted by surprise" look.

When in doubt, smile!

7.5 months: Naomi was in town for a few days so we took her up Spanish Fork Canyon.  Reagan loves sitting back in her stroller and looking at everything pass by her.  

Reagan and her Aunt Naomi

7 months: She officially discovered the cell phone.  However, after watching Dr. Oz and how gross cell phones get, a part of me can't help but cringe when looking at this photo.

7 months: Went for a walk up Spanish Fork Canyon to see the raining rocks (pic below).  Reagan loved riding on Rob's shoulders.

See, it looks like the rocks are raining...

6 almost 7 months: Reagan with Great Grandma, the puppet dog was a new toy that she brought.  It barks when you move the mouth together, she thought it was hilarious!

6 months: Rob so lovingly holding Brayden and Reagan...

July 3, 2010: Reagan wasn't actually with us, but we went to the Freedom Festival with Carrie Underwood... my favorite!  He scored big points for this one!!

5 almost 6 months: Rob's first Father's Day!!  Love this picture!

Her shirt says "I Love Daddy" he loved it and asked if she could wear it every day! ... I said no.

5.5 months: She likes the rice cereal a lot better now.

5 months: First taste of food was rice cereal.  Well, look at her, I think you can figure out the rest...

5 months: We spent the day in Park City with Scott and Tasha with their little boy Brayden. He just leaned in and snuggled for a moment.