Monday, August 18, 2008

Small Update...

Other than watching the Olympics...

I GOT A NEW JOB!!! I'm so excited!! I got a job in Springville, so much closer to home!! It's working in Human Resources, which I am so happy about (I love accounting and all, but it tends to get really stressful and redundant sometimes and I'm ready for something new)!! I start next week and could not be more impatient!! I had the worst day today which only confirms my decision to leave... even my boss joked about how he was just making sure I didn't want to stay, by making things horrible!! It wasn't really his fault, but every time he called or came to talk to me something horrible had happened and by the end of the day I'd had it!!

Rob is on another softball team for the fall! They play once a week, a double-headed each time! It's fun to go and watch him, but by the end of the second game, it gets kinda late and we are ready to go home... They took first in the summer league though, which was exciting!! He is now trying to get a football team together for this fall so if anyone wants to play leave him a message!!

Sorry, this post isn't that interesting, but it's pretty much all we've been up to!! I'll start taking pics again and hopefully more will happen...


Wes & Andrea said...

How is everything!? I like the last blog, just reading the new news in your lives. A new job, wow! That's awesome! You'll have to let me know how you like HR. that's what my dad does, and that's what Wes might go into.

But I totally know about having nothing to write about! I feel like I don't have an interesting life at all right now. Hopefully when the semester starts, I'll have some little stories to tell, and maybe you will as well with your new job!

I hope you guys are having fun and staying happy! Talk to you soon!

JWalburger said...

It is always exciting to get a new job. Way to go Rob on your softball greatness!

Pops said...

Inquiring minds want to know how the first week of work was/is?

emily+brett said...

I am the only one that doesn't like this post because that means that you don't get to work with me anymore :( Today was the first day with out you and it felt so different. I know I'm not supposed to email you at your new job so we will have to stay posted by our blogs. We'll stay in touch. Good luck and hope your first day went well.