Since it has been SOO nice outside the last couple of nights, Rob and I have started to take our camping chairs out and read or just talk while the sun goes down (yes, just like a little old couple does and it is so RELAXING!! Just ask Pops and Chels, they know!!). Last night, as I was sitting outside and I look up to see this...
Ty... eating the grass.
I look over to the left and see this...
The worst part is that Tess was doing more than just eating grass from this little spot... she would move around the entire yard eating it like a cow!! I swear we do feed our dogs!! I don't understand why they like grass so much, but what do you do??
Yeap, It's true... because Chellor and I have seen their awesome back yard and not be because We are an old boring couple like some would let you think. :)
Thanks again for a great dinner, and a wonderful night. It was a lot of fun.
Ok, not sure if you want to hear this,.. ready?Apparently dogs eat grass to clean their intestines (from food or their own hair they ingest). Actually they usually throw up after they eat all that fiber.
Some people which could be also your vet would tell you that it is dangerous for them, it isn't good for them at all, but oh well.. sure? mmmm, I honestly see dogs surviving eating grass. And by the way, try to tell your dog not to eat it and see what he sais.. hahahahaha(:
Oh wait, let's not forget to mention that young dogs, well.. they eat e v e r y t h i n g they find around(:
l'erba apporta al loro organismo vitamine e sali minerali oltre che fibre che aiutano molto il loro intestino.
e come dici tu li aiuta a purgarsi ed espellere il pelo che ingeriscono quando si leccano.
I used to have a dog that ate grass everyday of his life. He LOVED it! Next time we come down we'll bring our camp chairs to sit out back there with you! Thanks again :)
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