Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Hot-air Balloon Incident

If we are ever attacked by hot-air balloons, we are in trouble...

I woke up Monday morning and stumbled into the kitchen to get some cereal. As I'm pouring my cereal I kept hearing this strange noise that was so loud and sounded like a blow-torch or something. I go and look outside my front kitchen window to see a massive hot-air balloon just about to fly directly over our house and this thing was close!! It was flying just barely above the power lines! We go to the backyard to look at it and right as it's above our back patio I open the door to let the dogs out and just as they are on the patio the hot-air balloon guy (do they have a real name?) blows the torch for the fire and as the puppies look up to see what the noise was that just scared them half to death they just see this massive hot-air balloon directly over us!! Needless to say they started freaking out and ran into the house and under the bed!! Ty didn't stop shaking for about 20 minutes and refused to go outside even after an hour had gone by and there was no sign of a balloon anywhere! Although it was so sad to watch them freak out like that, it was hilarious!! Even the guys in the balloon were laughing so hard!!

Needless to say, our little brave puppy, who protects us from all the bad guys, wouldn't be able to save us from an attack of hot-air balloons.

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