Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Tree Maham!!

I really wish I had real pictures to go long with this, but try and imagine if you can...

This whole last week we have been trying to decorate the house, get the tree up, make cookies, and get into the Christmas spirit. Last night, it all came tumbling down on us... I haven't been feeling all that great this last week, maybe it's a bug or maybe I'm still experiencing detox from planning the company Christmas party, but I was not in the mood to decorate our Christmas tree. I don't know about all of you, but we have "jobs" in our house about who does what when it comes to certain things and my job is always to put the lights on the tree. My dad was a master at it and all us kids took on that tradition, in my family, the lights were far more important than any ornament. I mean the whole essence of the tree was its lights and some years, it seemed the ornaments almost ruined the tree... sorry loosing focus.

So each day, I would put some lights on the tree, get bored, then stop, and Rob would just wait until the next day hoping I would eventually finish. Last night, I was so fed up with our little tree, which is fake, but that's a whole different subject, that I get almost to the top and guess what? ... I ran out of lights. I tried to spread it out as best I could, but it looked like the saddest excuse for a Christmas Tree I had ever seen. The lights were so concentrated at the bottom and so spread out at the top that even Rob didn't like it and he was the one that was pushing me to finish...

We both were so mad, him at the
shotty light job I had done, me at the fact that it looked terrible I felt I had disgraced the family name, and it was all my fault. Rob decided to take off the lights and start over, but I had tangled them so badly that branches were flying off of the tree in his attempt to quickly unravel this disgrace I had created, even the dogs ran for cover under our bed... in the next room. The last thing I wanted to do was start over so Rob attempted the lights, got to maybe two branches and quit. In all my rage I took over, put the lights on the tree in record time, not caring about what it looked like, we plugged it in, took a step back and... it was gorgeous!! Don't ask why I just didn't do this in the first place, but it looks so good, I swear angels were singing in the background. We started to feel stupid at how childish we had been and sat to admire our little tree, that we almost through out in our moment of chaotic frustration...

Needless to say, our sad, little fake tree is up, with lights... next come the ornaments.


JWalburger said...

Glad to hear you are finally able to take the time to decorate and everything. If you want to see how things are going here in Canada, send me an email and I will add you to my readers list :)

JWalburger said...

Sorry if I am confusing you by changing from cwalburg to CrystalHW.

the other Sampsons said...

Guess what?? yes you Sampsons must be the guru of lights cause yea.. it looks fantastic! hahahahaha(:
I guess we have a tradition in common, cause Christian does the lights and I do the decorations (: I love it!
I love our fantastic first little Christmas tree.. I wish I could stuck it in our little red oooold porche (the kinda car with soooo much space) take it with us in few days when we'll be going to visit you guys!!! Oh gosh that is soooo soon!

and by the way, yes I'm alive. Soon I'll be back blogging none stop ha!